Are you Comfortable?

For those of us who visit spas regularly, it is hard to remember back to the days when each visit was tinged with anxiety.  Will I be fully covered?  Will I take off the right amount of clothing or will the staff think I’m a weirdo?  What if I get a staff member of the same/opposite sex?  Am I supposed to tip and if so when?

In reading through some recent guest responses to a question about their last spa experience, Katie Ho commented that guests often mentioned if they were made to feel comfortable or not.  We also found this in our most recent research report about guests’ worst spa experiences “When a Guest is Rubbed the Wrong Way.” This is not a situation that most other areas of hospitality have to deal with.

It is important to remember that most first-time spa-goers won’t read through an article like this one by the Day Spa Association.  Spa newbies are more likely to be like this BlurtIt questioner wondering if everyone is going to be walking around naked.

Imagine how much more relaxed most of your new spa clients will be if they are asked at the spa or preferably on the appointment call if they are new to spas.  A few sentences can significantly relieve anxiety.  “Jessica will be your massage therapist on Thursday.  You will be fully covered from the top of your chest to mid-thigh throughout your massage.”

Do you have a visible tip box or do staff members mention the tipping policy prior to treatment so that the tipping question is not in the back of the client’s mind?  You can offer a reminder of the amount of clothing that people usually leave on before allowing the client to change.  Mention that they should alert you if there is any pain.  These reminders allow a client to really let go and enjoy the experience.  The last thing most spas want is to have all of their efforts to relax a client negated by a few unanswered questions.

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