Customized Training For Culture And Staff Development

Coyle's network of trainers design, develop, and implement customized solutions to support excellence across your organization.

Training Services

Coyle offers customized training programs for organizations of all sizes and budgets. From executive and management training to frontline and departmental basics, Coyle develops an approach tailored to a client’s objectives.  Common-sense methodology drives our approach–the training style is engaging.

Coyle is dedicated to providing an exceptional level of service that will engender extraordinary satisfaction and loyalty of customers and associates.  We work well in collaborative relationships and, in addition to providing training, we will also serve as your partner in thinking, accountability/measurement, and support.

Every business can benefit from continuous training.

Courses are interactive, creative, practical, non-academic, lively and fun! Best of all, they are memorable and effective in changing behavior.

Coyle’s instructional techniques include:

  • small and large group discussions,
  • demonstrations,
  • skill builders,
  • “what would you do if” scenarios,
  • case studies and more.

Training Products

Courses may be purchased by module or as a complete package.  Course length ranges from a few hours to multi-day engagements.

Coyle’s service training is designed to help associates consistently provide exceptional service to both internal and external customers. The focus is on each person’s role in creating distinctive, personalized service experiences that will result in delighted and loyal customers and associates.

Course 1:  Creating Exceptional Experiences

Participants will learn how to:

  • Meet and exceed universal service standards
  • Build customer and associate trust and loyalty
  • Create a strong service system based on internal collaboration
  • Follow steps of the service model

Course 2:  Customer Friendly Communication

Participants will learn how to:

  • Send and receive clear messages through body language, voice tone and word choice
  • Use active listening skills to determine customer needs and strengthen relationship
  • Replace words and phrases which prompt negative reactions with customer-friendly language
  • Create positive telephone interactions by using telephone etiquette

Course 3:  Empowerment and Service Recovery

Participants will learn how to:

  • Assist the customer as much as possible before getting a manager involved
  • Solve problems quickly and efficiently using a simple method

Course 4:  Coaching for Exceptional Experiences

Participants will learn how to:

  • Model exceptional service
  • Observe associates as they are providing service
  • Affirm service behaviors that are at or above standard
  • Adjust service behaviors that are below standard

Courses may be purchased by module or as a complete package.  Course length ranges from a few hours to multi-day engagements.

Flexible Leadership

The Flexible Leadership course introduces a practical method of effectively leading people and managing time and resources.  Managers learn how to increase their flexibility in using leadership styles which meet the development needs of associates.  By so doing, associates develop in an accelerated manner and become willing and able to fulfill their responsibilities.  Ultimately, both satisfaction and performance improve.

  • Explore the roles of supervisors and managers and qualities of great leaders
  • Learn a proven model for diagnosing associate development level and selecting the appropriate leadership style
  • Develop skills that accompany each of the leadership styles
  • Define clear expectations
  • Affirm and adjust behavior
  • Develop self-sufficiency
  • Transfer responsibility
  • Practice flexible leadership in “real-life” situations

Behavior Styles and Relationship Building

Managers will learn how to improve relationships and performance by developing a greater awareness of behavior preferences, both of self and others, and then modifying behavior in order to interact with others more respectfully and effectively.

  • Recognize four basic individual behavior styles and their impact on relationships
  • Understand personal behavior preferences
  • Develop understanding of the behavioral preferences of others
  • Discover potential strengths and areas of conflict
  • Develop a plan with specific actions directed to improving communication and collaboration with others

Conflict Resolution:  Let’s Clear the Air!

As much as 60% of a manager’s time can be spent dealing with conflict…or the consequences of avoiding it or addressing it ineffectively.  Conflict is going to happen, even in the best of organizations or relationships.  How well are managers prepared to deal with it?

Managers will learn proven methods of functionally handling conflict, rather than avoiding it and allowing it to escalate so that it decreases morale and productivity. Managers improve their conflict resolution skills by applying the simple, yet effective, techniques and methods presented in this session.

  • Appreciate the benefits of conflict
  • Identify the real reason(s) for the conflict
  • Intervene early, before it becomes more difficult to address
  • Initiate and self-facilitate conflict resolution one-on-one
  • Facilitate the resolution of conflict between others

Embracing Change

Managers can thrive in our ever-changing world by embracing change and being an effective change agent for the organization.  They learn how to create and manage change positively and inspire the desire to change in others through proven strategies and techniques, which can be readily apply.

  • Identify the stages in making significant change and what to expect during each stage
  • Identify driving and resisting forces to change
  • Anticipate and respond effectively to feelings expressed during the change process
  • Practice specific strategies in taking a positive approach to change

Managing the Intergenerational Workforce

Five generations are explored in these sessions:
Traditionalists (Born 1928-1945)
Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964)
Generation X (Born 1965-1980)
Millennials (Born 1981–1996)
Generation Z (Born 1997–2011)

The generations are compared and contrasted in regard to a variety of factors, such as: Influencers, Core Values, Attributes, Family Experience, Work Ethic, View on Work/Life Balance, Preferred Work Environment, Work Assets and Work Liabilities. Approaches will be presented describing how to best inspire and communicate and collaborate with Boomers through Gen Zers in the work place for everyone’s greater satisfaction and productivity.

Interviewing to Get the Right People in the Right Places

Selecting the best candidate has a lot to do with how the interview is conducted.  Managers will learn how to effectively prepare for the interview, use behavioral interviewing techniques, and conduct interviews consistently.  Application of this simple and effective method can significantly help in making the best hiring decision.

  • Avoid discriminatory practices and interact respectfully with candidates
  • Prepare for the interview
  • Use behavioral interviewing techniques to learn more about how the candidate thinks and acts in multiple situations
  • Handle difficult interviewing situations
  • Determine which applicant would be best suited for the position

Performance Evaluation Process

The performance evaluation process is one of the most important means of communicating with the associate.  Done properly and consistently, it provides the opportunity to learn about strengths and areas for development, which in turn strengthens the individual, the team and ultimately the organization. The written performance evaluation and discussions about it provide further clarity of expectations and a roadmap for the future. Managers will learn how to write the Performance Evaluation, give constructive feedback to associates for the past year’s performance and present learning and growth opportunities for the coming year.

  • Prepare for the Performance Evaluation conversation: gather information and materials, prepare meeting logistics and agenda, prepare self and the employee for the meeting
  • Conduct the Performance Evaluation conversation: set the tone and begin positively, look backward to celebrate successes and review performance gaps, look forward to a development plan with performance objectives
  • Close the Performance Evaluation conversation: confirm action steps and reinforce the positives
  • Follow up on the Performance Evaluation conversation
  • Give and receive positive and critical feedback effectively
  • Avoid common pitfalls

Deal With It! Effectively Addressing Performance Problems

Performance-based coaching is one of the most effective ways to improve business results, especially when working with a multi-generational workforce.  Managers will learn how to lay the foundation for great performance, prepare for the coaching and counseling conversation, manage the conversation appropriately and legally, place ownership of the problem’s resolution with the associate, and get the desired outcome without losing the associate’s commitment.

  • Prevent most performance problems by systematically applying a proven, simple method
  • Determine the difference between a development problem and a performance problem
  • Develop employee awareness of consequences of behavior on self, team, and the organization
  • Apply effective collaborative discipline
  • Follow up to ensure performance improvement

Effective Meetings

Lots of time can be wasted in meetings that should never have been held in the first place or those that are ineffectively managed.  Managers will learn when a meeting should be held, rather than using alternative means, and how to manage it well through the use of simple tools and techniques.  Advance planning and follow up are emphasized, along with what to do to reinforce positive behaviors in meetings and address detracting behaviors.  With the skills gained, meetings can be energizing and productive!

  • Define clear meeting roles and responsibilities
  • Practice effective meeting behaviors
  • Improve the efficiency of meetings by using meeting planning checklists, agendas, action plans, and concise minutes
  • Assess and improve the effectiveness of meetings by using meeting audits and meeting critiques
  • Affirm positive meeting behaviors and address those that are detrimental
  • Practice creative meeting techniques to help achieve desired end results more quickly

Time Management

How do you keep pace with the increasing demands on your time?  Everyone has the exact same amount of this highly valued resource.  Learn how to maximize yours.

  • Identify common time busters
  • Offer strategies for prioritizing
  • Explore some “tried and true” methods for getting more done in less time

Body Talk and Verbal Touch

We are always communicating through our facial expressions, eye contact (or lack thereof!), and body language.  What messages are you intentionally or unintentionally sending which create either barriers or connections with others?  In this interactive session we will explore effective non-verbal means of communication, along with how to use the voice and which words and phrases to lose and use, active listening, and sending clear messages.

  • Read visual, vocal and verbal behavioral clues sent by others
  • Listen actively and with empathy
  • Avoid poor listening “traps”
  • Clearly communicate verbally
  • Use friendly and respectful words and phrases and avoid those that are offensive

Courses may be purchased by module or as a complete package.  Course length ranges from a few hours to multi-day engagements.

A Practical Guide

It has been said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”  Many organizations function without a strategic plan, resulting in confusion and wasted effort at significant costs in terms of both time and money.  In this interactive session, the strategic planning process will be explained simply, with many “how tos” included.

  • Cast a vision for the organization that is a compelling, inspiring picture of a possible and preferred future
  • Provide more direction through describing the mission of the organization and the values upon which decisions are based
  • Determine priorities, broad areas of concern for 3-5 years
  • Set goals to be accomplished in the next 1-2 years
  • Develop an action plan for the near future
  • Align the contributions of teams and individuals with the overall plan for high productivity and satisfaction

How to Develop Skills and Build Confidence

Managers can acquire the skills necessary to effectively train new and existing employees in an accelerated learning process so standards are consistently met. Training for Trainers is to be offered in half-day sessions on two consecutive days.  Between the two sessions, participants prepare a practice training session, which they conduct with participants and then receive feedback.  Participants learn how to:

  • Determine training needs and bridge gaps
  • Effectively train adults with different learning styles, using a variety of techniques
  • Use the “discovery method” to accelerate learning and retention
  • Practice a three-step method of training to help associates perform to standard quickly and consistently

Courses may be purchased by module or as a complete package.  Course length ranges from a few hours to multi-day engagements.

Storytelling is an ancient practice that is effectively being used today to enrich experiences of both customers and associates, to build the brand and to reinforce organizational culture.  Stories bridge the head and the heart and serve as the “glue that binds”.  Our brains are wired to receive and respond to stories.  Stanford University research shows the retention rate of information conveyed through storytelling is 65-70%, while mere presentation of information yields retention of only 5-10%.  Storytelling is made accessible and readily applicable for any organization interested in this unique strategy.

Course 1: Leadership Introduction and Storytelling

A session of one hour will introduce Leaders to the practice of Storytelling.  The outcome will be an understanding of the importance and value of storytelling in establishing and enhancing relationships, especially those with customers.

Course 2: Storytelling Module

Every associate can become a good storyteller and incorporating the practice of storytelling by associates can most definitely become a differentiating factor for brands.

The goal of the two-hour long, highly interactive Storytelling module is to develop storytelling skills by exploring both the art and science of storytelling, creating pathways to craft compelling stories and practicing telling them so they may be honed.

  • Associates learn how to tell customer-appropriate and engaging stories about themselves, the brand, and the property.
  • They will also learn how to elicit stories from customers by identifying story connectors during conversation and following up on them so customers are encouraged to share their stories.
  • The end result is an emotional connection between the customer and the associate that contributes to the customer having remarkable, pleasant memories and the associate having a sense of fulfillment.

The Storytelling module is customized for the organization.

The Operational Training System is an integrated set of customized operational tools that will enable a service vision to be realized through consistent service behaviors. The various products have been developed using a Task Bank concept. Multiple tasks that could be completed by various positions within a major area, such as Housekeeping or Front Office, are listed in a Task Bank and can be extracted as desired in the customization process. Each Task Bank is customized to position specifications, desired service standards, along with the logo, terminology, cover page design, and other specific information.

Trainer’s Guides are comprehensive guides for trainers to use in training existing and new employees in each of their designated tasks. Procedural outlines and structured questions for the trainer to pose while training help support learner involvement and retention.

Training Checklists ensure that the employee has been trained in each task and that the employee and trainer agree mastery of each task has been attained.

Performance Evaluations support the measurement of each employee consistently performing the tasks to standard. The results can be integrated with an overall performance management system.

Brand/Department Standards are a compilation of end product, measurable department standards used in training. All standards are included in the Trainer’s Guides, creating an aligned system for achieving departmental excellence.

Mystery Shops/Audits

Train the Trainer equips department trainers to train employees in an accelerated learning process.

Many courses can be delivered via immersive video conferencing.  Contact us for more information.

Looking for sales training? Coyle has you covered.  Select Coyle for your sales training:

  • Facilitator Led Training Programs
  • Virtual/Web-based training

Industries Served

  • Hotels
  • Resorts
  • Restaurants
  • Healthcare
  • Senior Living
  • and more
© 2024 Coyle Hospitality Group. Reproduction of any material without written authorization is strictly prohibited.

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