Spa Booking on the Go

Spas are really entering the technology age.  Most spas are now scheduling their appointments on Millenium or other software, and are realizing that many Generation Y’ers can’t relax without knowing there is wi-fi access so they can check emails.  Now SpaFinder has launched an iphone app. 

As outlined on the Life of Luxury blog this app will allow you to search for local spas, spa deals and even make appointments.  I am very curious about how the use of this app will alter spa booking and spa-goers.  The reviews sound good so far according to Spa Finder. 

In our stress filled world, many people don’t schedule spa time into their calendar.  When they have had a really tough day or when they find they surprisingly have a free hour, they pull in to the nearest spa for what I call an “emergency massage.”   

Some of those would be spa-goers miss out because of unavailability on such short notice and/or lack of knowledge of the various spas in the area.  This app seems to solve both of those problems and should grow the number of people trying new spas and visiting more often.  Who knows: maybe more people will start to realize that an anticipated spa treatment booked ahead of time is just as nice if not better than one thrown together on the fly.

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