Christopher L.

Washington DC Evaluator – Christopher L.

Christopher’s passion for food began at age 12 when he worked in a neighborhood burger joint as a dishwasher. He worked his way up to a prep cook and a server there until his family moved away. He continued his restaurant work as a busser, line cook, server, bartender, and then kitchen manager at a steakhouse over the course of three years. His affinity for hospitality grew when he lived in Melbourne, Australia for four years thanks to the city’s vibrant foodie scene and reputation for having more restaurant seats than people. There, he enjoyed international fare from Vietnamese phở to Greek baklava, and got a taste for international service. He returned to the United States to study law in Ohio, and—after graduating—realized that his favorite memories were those evenings spent entertaining clients or recruits while out to dinner. As an attorney, Christopher is analytical, objective, detail-oriented, and observant. His unique history of restaurant and travel experience makes him an excellent eye in any hotel or restaurant.

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