The Importance of Social Networking in the Spa Industry

Coyle Hospitality Group recently released its new Global Spa Report. This is part three of six blogs that will summarize and highlight key pieces and findings of the report.

As 2011 continues, social networking has become more and more prevalently used as a tool for businesses to communicate with consumers. For spas, social networking sites can be used particularly for a number of marketing strategies: to announce deals and promotions, to advertise facilities or products, to post photos, and to gain guest loyalty. Coyle conducted spa market research, part of which addressed the issue of social marketing, and found out what links these sites to spa guests. We found the following:

  • Consumers use online review sites to discuss their spa experiences. When asked how they would most likely communicate their spa experiences, 47% of respondents said they were likely or very likely to communicate experiences via online review. When we asked respondents if they viewed online reviews as trustworthy, 48% deemed it either trustworthy or extremely trustworthy. These percentages can be frightening for spa owners who know the arbitrary nature of these sites. However, if you spend time monitoring these sites properly, you can avoid damaging your reputation.

  • Consumers use social networking sites to search for spa information. When we asked respondents what outlets they use to seek spa information, we found that 28% use Facebook, making it the fourth most-popular channel for doing so. 7% of respondents use Twitter for this purpose as well, and, though it may seem small, this is a strong percentage for a new addition to the list. We also reported a slight decrease in the likelihood of consumers becoming a ‘fan’ on a social networking site (down 2% points from last year) coupled with a slight increase in posting on a social networking site (+2% points from last year). Having a presence on these sites will extend your reach and make you appear more credible. It is important to gain a large network and update these pages regularly so that consumers can find you and keep you in mind when deciding to visit a spa.

It appears as though the technological movements seen last year are here to stay, so ignoring them will certainly result in missed opportunities to attract and retain clientele. Once on the web, maintaining your online presence is key to preserving both your reputation and your guests.

To download and view the full report, please visit Coyle’s website at To view our spa mystery shopping program capabilities and consulting services, please view our website at

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